Thursday, January 14, 2010

MSN account recovery

MSN, Windows Live Messenger and Hotmail account password cracking/ hacking software. This msn hacker is “Password Recovery for MSN” . Actually, the msn hacker is intended to recover forgotten msn, hotmail passwords. But, i will focus on how one can hack your MSN , Hotmail passwords.

How Password Recovery for MSN works???

Password Recovery for MSN scans computer for locally stored MSN and Hotmail passwords. Now, remember that MSN Hotmail passwords are stored only if one checks “Remember Me” box. If you have locally stored password on PC , then you can get back or recover forgotten MSN & Hotmail passwords.

Functionality of MSN password Hacker:

* MSN password decrypter (decrypt MSN Messenger password)

* MSN passwords decoder (MSN password decoder)

* MSN password cracker (crack MSN Messenger password)

* Recover MSN Messenger password (MSN password recovery)

* MSN password finder (find MSN Messenger passwords)

* MSN Messenger password ripper (rip MSN passwords)

* MSN password hack (will hack MSN passwords for saved accounts only on local accounts)

* MSN remote account hacker (not implemented)

* MSN password stealer (steal MSN messenger passwords) - please note that this tool should not be used to steal others’ passwords. This is illegal action and can be prosecuted.

* Multiple profiles (MSN ID’s) are supported

How to use MSN, Hotmail Password Hacker/Recovery:

1. Free Download MSN Hotmail Password Hacking software .

2. The downloaded file is zipped and password protected.

3. Unzip the downloaded file using Winzix (free download here). Run the unzipped setup file. Now, open the software after installation on PC.

4. You will get something like in image. Simply, click Recover password.

Hack MSN Hotmail password MSN Password Recovery

5. You will get email id with password for that. So simple…

Now, how to use this msn hacker to hack MSN hotmail account passwords?? Just, run the program on victim computer and click “Recover Password” and you get his MSN Hotmail account passwords. Cheers….

You will require to have Winrar to get MSN Hacker. Free Download Winrar here.

I have tried to keep this simple. This MSN Hacker is tested on windows XP and windows Vista. If you have any query about Hacking MSN Hotmail or Windows Live Messenger account password or have any other trick to hack MSN, Hotmail or windows Live messenger accounts, just comment in comments section.

Enjoy HaCkInG.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A new Way of earning money!

Hello folks how's it going?

It's snowing out there?

have to stay home by your weekend?

sad ehh?

what about doing something that actually worth?

umm like?

earning Money!!
A good way of earning money these days while you have nothing to do by your free time is uploading and downloading
how does that work?
go to MegaUpload and sign up an account
now everybody has a punch of useless movies in his hard drive or maybe some video games he's got like MOHA or GTA or COD or CS
so now upload them to MU and make a video in youtube just saying you can download bla bla bla from these links and post them
this way alot of people will download or maybe post the links to some gamers website
it would be sexy if u could add a fake Keygen or crack binded with a stealer or a keylogger

now the more they download the more u get paid right to your Paypal account from Megaupload
wanna know the reward for getting your file downloaded 5 million times?
15 thousand dollars :)
have fun if u won them gimme a small prize
PS: The more u post your links to and the more people sees them means more downloads and more cash!!
Have Fun!!!

Rapid share and mega upload premium Link generator!

Rapidshare Megaupload premium link generator:

1. Go to Megaupload premium link generator site.

2. Enter "public"(without quotes) as username and password and hit on Login.

Megaupload link generator

3. Now, hit on "Download" link present in left-bottom corner. You will taken to next page and enter the rapidshare or megaupload link you wanna download. Now, hit on Download.

Free rapidshare megaupload premium

4. Megaupload premium link generator will generate premium link for your file and now, you can download megaupload file with high speed, can pause and resume the file download and even use a download manager for downloading file.

Note: You can download upto 30 rapidshare files using this rapidshare premium link generator. For megaupload, easy-share, uploading, hotfile, you can download infinite files...enjoy.

So friends, I hope now you can download rapidshare megaupload files with high speed using this rapidshare megaupload premium link generator. If you have found any other megaupload premium link generator useful for you, please help others by mentioning it in comments.

Enjoy free megaupload premium link generator...

Iexpress File joiner (exe Binder)

file joiner ie exe binder packer. Frequently, I receive one or more comments about these exe binders and demand for more file joiner exe binders packers - the simple one. So, I am writing this article on windows default file joiner binder utility which acts as exe packer - Iexpress file joiner exe binder.

Iexpress File joiner exe binder:

Just follow guidelines below to use Iexpress file joiner exe binder windows utility.

1. Go to Start -> Run (Can also press shortcut key Win+R). In dialog box, enter- iexpress and hit on OK to bring up File joiner.

2. Now, you will get something like:

Iexpress file joiner exe binder

3. Hit on Next twice and then on Package title pane, enter the name of exe package you want to create and hit on Next.

4. Again hit on Next to get Confirmation prompt, you can choose to show a message to victim before first exe installation. File joiner will show this message. This is particularly useful if you want to install on victim computer a server trojan that is detected by antiviruses. You can select "Prompt user with" and in text box enter something like:

"Windows will install necessary files. Please disable your Antivirus before further installation proceeds."

which will make victim to disable his antivirus and thus our server can do its work efficiently. This is all social engineering part which you can make more effective by your own logic.

File joiner exe packer

Hit on Next twice and in Packaged files pane, enter exe files you want to bind using "Add". Hit on Next to go to next file joiner pane.

5. Now, this is important. In Install Program to Launch pane of file joiner, select the files from drop down box as shown:

- Install program : Select the file you want victim to see in the installation.
- Post install program : Select the server keylogger or trojan file which you want to install on victim computer without his knowledge.

Hit on Next.

6. On next windows pane, select "Hidden" and hit on Next. In next Finished message box of exe binder, you can choose to show up a message on installation completion.

7. Hit on Next and enter the path and file name where the file binder should save the binded file. Choose name same as the file name you have told to victim. Also, check on "Hide file extracting animation from user".

8. Hit on Next and adjust restart setting as you wish depending on working of your server trojan. Hit on Next and in Save Self Extraction Directive, you can choose any option. Hit on Next twice to create binded file. Now, file joiner binder will create binded file for you.

9. Now, you have your server trojan binded file ready on your computer. Simply send this file to victim via email.

10. Once the victim double clicks on this installation package ie binded file, first he is greeted with a dialog box like this:

File joiner popup box

This is the result of step 4 of Confirmation prompt. Once he disables his Antivirus, our server trojan can easily install itself on victim computer and thus you can hack his computer or various online accounts easily.

So friends, I hope you are now well-known with use of iexpress file joiner, exe binder windows utility used to bind server keylogger files with normal exe files. Iexpress is best file joiner, exe binder and exe packer. If you have any problem in using this iexpress utility as file joiner, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy iexpress utility as file joiner, exe binder software...

Hacking With IP

Attack IP windows Netbios Hack

Windows Netbios IP hack:

Simply follow the steps below to be able to attack hack IP using Windows Netbios IP hack.

1. Finding disks and printer resources:

A. Using Command Prompt.
- Open Command Prompt. Type "cd\" (without quotes) and hit enter. Now type in following:


In above command, replace VICTIM IP ADDRESS with the IP address you want to hack.
eg: net view\\

where is victim IP address you wanna hack.
Hit Enter. You will be able to see list of all hard disks and printers on victim computer.

B. Using IPTools:
Sometimes, the above command prompt method doesn't work and you can get error. Hence, we have to use IP Tools software.

- Free Download IPTools software to perform attack hack using windows Netbios IP hack.

- Now, run downloaded IPTools software to see:

Hack IP Windows Netbios hack

- Click on lock-like icon that says NB Scanner and enter IP Address you wanna hack in "From Address" and "To address field". Hit on Start.

- IPTools will display all disks and printer services on remote computer as shown above.

2. Hacking disks and printers:

Now, when we have discovered disks and printers on remote compter from Step 1, we can now access these hard disks and printers. For this, we use "net use" command.

In command prompt, type:
net use X:\\\SharedDocs
net use Y:\\\D

Here, SharedDocs and D is shared resource on remote victim computer and X, Y are the disks you have to create on your computer to be able to access remote computer files. Thus, X and Y are the drives created on your computer. So, use letters which are not used by drives, floppy drives or ROM devices.

Replace "" with your victim IP address. Also, replace "SharedDocs" and "D" with your victim's shared resources obtained from Step 1.

Hit Enter.

3. Accessing hacked drives:

On successful access, you will get message - "The command completed successfully". When you get this message, simply open "My Computer" and you will see a new hard drive with the name specified in step 2 (Here X). Open that drive to see all files on remote computer. If write access is allowed, you can even copy files from remote computer to yours.

Note: The above windows Netbios IP hack will not work if remote computer is behind a firewall.

So friends, I hope you can now attack hack IP using this Windows Netbios IP Hack. This netbios IP hack is simple to use. If you have any problem in using this Windows Netbios IP Hack to attack hack IP, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy Windows Netbios IP Hack to attack hack IP...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Create your own FUD trojan Stub

So, some crypters and viruses are now detected as hacktools by antiviruses and are of no use now. Bunn has created Fly Crypter which has unique stub generator. So, you can create your own stub and so your crypter becomes your own private version crypter because you can assign and use new stubs to viruses and thus helping your virus program to remain FUD.

How to make Virus undetectable:

Usually, Viruses are detected because their stubs are detected as viruses by AVs. So, if you change stub of viruses, most of times, they become undetectable to antiviruses. So, I am explaining you how to create your own stub and how to use this your self-created stub to make your virus FUD (Fully UnDetecatable) to antiviruses. This Crypter is tested by me and found working well on Windows XP and Windows Vista.

1. Free Download Fly Crypter + Unique Stub Generator software.Here

2. Run AUSG.exe file on your computer to see:
Make virus trojan FUD
Make virus trojan FUD

3. Select "Str. Encr." and "Stub Encryption" options as I have selected above. Now, hit on "Generate my Stub". Allow some time for AUSG.exe to generate stub for you. After sometime, you'll get a confirmation message.

4. Now, hit on "Compile my stub" and you'll again get message like this:
Compile stub
Compile stub

Note: If you get error messages over here, repeat from Step 2 using "Random Passwords length" value less than 5.

5. Now, move on to directory containing Fly Crypter and AUSG.exe file. You will now see around 4 or 5 random string newly created files. One of those files is your newly created FUD Stub. Let this be "XlbAtKQ.exe".

6. Now, open Fly Crypter.exe. Create Apocalypse server and simply drag and drop this server on Fly Crypter.

7. Right click on server.exe, select Main Options -> Custom Stub and new popup box will be displayed.
How to make your own stub
How to make your own stub

Now, browse to your newly created stub "XlbAtKQ.exe" and hit OK. Select any password level and hit OK.

8. Again Right Click -> Crypt files and enter the name and path where you wanna save the newly created crypted virus file.

9. Now, you have your crypted file ready to hack passwords and access pc remotely for you. Go to and scan your stub and crypted file. You will find the detection rate decreased significantly.

Note 1: For AUSG.exe to compile your stub, you should have Microsoft Visual basic 6 installed on your computer.

Note 2: If you aren't getting FUD stub, just select the antiviruses you wanna bypass. Now, create stubs and start scanning them at This method is used to collect and group stubs undetectable by specific antiviruses. Here is one stub which is not detected by most famous AVs as today's scanner results indicate:
- Avira
- Avast
- Bit Defender
- Kaspersky
- Quick Heal
- Panda

Free Download this Stub over

Update: This method is not working 100%. As some of the readers have reported this to be not working with many keyloggers like Ardamax keylogger, General keylogger and so. (Thanks George, Riya and Central2000 for your valuable feedback). So friends, try this out with your server whether if this works and please mention your feedback. If this is not working for you, try out crypter softwares.

Develop your own stubs. Now, all resides on you to make your trojans and viruses undetectable, since you are now able to develop your own stubs.

So friends, I hope this tutorial on how to make your own stubs to make your virus trojan undetectable by antiviruses will be helpful to you. If you have any problem in using Fly Crypter and AUSG.exe files to make your own stubs, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy and make your trojans undetectable...

Orkut Hacking

I came across this wonderful orkut hacking software to hack orkut account on web and thought of sharing it with you. This orkut hacking software developed by OUGIANS can be used to hack orkut account. Here," hack orkut account " does not imply hacking orkut password, but you can hack orkut account by using various services provided by this orkut hacking software - orkut hacktool.

Hack Orkut account by orkut hacking software :

This orkut hacking software - Orkut hacktool consists of following features :

► Floodmachines
► Profile Maker
► Community Spammer
► Community Joiner
► Accept All & Reject all Friends

Orkut hacking software to hack orkut account password

Download Orkut Hacking software


You will require to have Winrar to get Orkut hacking software.

So guys, try out this orkut hacking software to hack orkut account. This orkut software will ease your orkut surfing and help you to hack orkut account. I have found this orkut hacking software to hack orkut account great and working. If you have any problem in using this orkut hacking software to hack orkut account, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy n hack orkut account...

Istealer 4.0

software used to hack email account passwords. I have already explained about RATs and keyloggers to hack email account passwords, where you have to send your keylogged file to victim. In the same way, Istealer can be used to hack email account password and find passwords of various emails.

Istealer Password stealer - hack email passwords:

1. Download Istealer password stealer software to hack email account password.

2. The downloaded file is zipped and password protected. ""

3. Unzip the downloaded windows password stealer using Winrar ( to obtain Istealer.

4. Go to and sign up for free account. After creating free ftp server account, enable FTP Access and create a new folder named "Istealer" at your FTP.

5. Run the Loader.exe file present in Istealer folder to get something like:

Istealer windows password stealer

6. Now, simply fill the following in Istealer:
Username and Password: Your username and password for esmartstart ftp server.
Directory: /Istealer

7. You can bind Istealer to any other file by checking "Bind with another file" and giving file path to bind with. Also, you can use Icon Change to change Istealer file icon. This step is optional but, necessary for hiding password stealer from victim's eyes. You can bind password stealer file with fake error message as I have explained in "Fake Error Message generator" to make it look real.

8. To check whether you have entered right ftp server information, hit "Test" and if you have done it right, you will get message "Works perfect". If it says "Cannot connect to FTP Server", you have entered something wrong... just check it again.

9. When you've done all above steps, simply hit on "Build" and save the password stealer file as you want. You can also use Crypter to avoid antivirus detection.

10. Now, simply send this password stealer file to victim and make him run this windows password stealer file on his computer(Social Engineering). After he runs our sent password stealer file on his computer, you will get all passwords and records saved on his computer at your FTP server.

You will require to have Winrar to download Istealer software.
That's it. Thus, you can hack email account password using Istealer- the windows password stealer software. Remember to crypt and then bind this windows Password stealer to make it undetectable by antivirus. If you have any problem in using this Istealer password stealer software to hack email account password, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy Istealer to hack email account password...

Making your trojan FUD

Sorry guys i couldt bring a RAT atm but ill post one later
ive found a more important post so lets rock

I will be using Dsplit as virus signature detector and Ice Gold Freezer as virus over here. You can use any other virus containing file you want.

Download these two files over here:
1.Avira Antivirus
2.Ice Gold Freezer And Dsplit.exe program(Used for Detecting Virus Signature)

The downloaded file is zipped and password protected. the password is ""
Hexing Ice Gold Freezer using Dsplit:

First of all, let me tell you that Ice Gold Freezer is detected as "SPR/Tool.Freezer.8" virus (actually malware as says) by my Avira antivirus which I use on my computer. So, I will be telling you how to bypass Avira detection for Ice Gold Freezer. So, lets start.

1. Download Avira antivirus, Dsplit and Ice Gold Freezer from links provided above. Extract Dsplit folder to desktop.

3. Scan Ice Gold Freezer.exe file you've downloaded with antivirus. My Avira says its "SPR/Tool.Freezer.8" malware. So, lets work on it.

4. Copy IceGoldFreezer.exe to Dsplit folder.

5. Now, open Command Prompt (Start ->Run -> cmd ->OK). Change directory to Dsplit folder. So, enter

cd "Replace with your path to Dsplit folder"

and hit Enter.

6. Now, type in this command:
dsplit.exe 0 max 1000 IceGoldFreezer.exe

and hit Enter.
What does this command means?? Simple. Dsplit is command line software and requires this command for its running. The meaning of command:

dsplit.exe startbyte endbyte numberofbytesinbetween target

7. Now, Dsplit.exe will create around 234 files in current directory. Now, scan all these 234 files created with Avira antivirus. Avira will detect all files from 8000.exe to 233472.exe as virus. So, there is something (virus signature) in 8000.exe which is not present in 7000.exe. Thus, 7000.exe lacks virus signature and hence not detected by Avira, while 8000.exe has virus signature.

Delete all files except 7000.exe, 8000.exe, Dsplit.exe and original IceGoldFreezer.exe.

8. Move on to command prompt and type this:
dsplit.exe 7000 8000 100 IceGoldFreezer.exe

and you'll get 10 files created in current directory. Scan all these 10 created files with Avira antivirus. Avira will detect all files except 7000, 7100.exe as virus. So, again we can say that there is something (actually virus signature) in 7200.exe which is not present in 7100.exe. Delete all files except 7100, 7200, Dsplit.exe and IceGoldFreezer.exe.

9. Now, type in command prompt:
dsplit.exe 7100 7200 10 IceGoldFreezer.exe

and you'll get 10 new files created in current directory. Scan all 10 files with avira and avira will give all files except 7100.exe as virus. So, 7110.exe contains virus signature which 7100.exe doesn't have.

10. Now, comes the last step. Type in command prompt:
dsplit.exe 7100 7110 1 IceGoldFreezer.exe

Again scan all 10 files created with avira antivirus and avira will detect 7108, 7109 and 7110.exe as virus. So, 7108.exe contains virus signature which 7107.exe lacks. Since, these two files are just 1 byte different, this different 1 byte is actually the virus signature which is detected by Avira.

So, we have to change this one byte contained in 7108.exe to make it UD from Avira. We can change this using a Hex editor which I will explain in my next article. If you have any problem in using Dsplit to detect virus signature, please mention it in comments section.

Enjoy Dsplit to make trojan FUD...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


PRORAT hacking software

PRORAT - Remote pc access software:

1. Download PRORAT software for remote pc access.

Alternative download link for PRORAT software.
password: netcrew
password for prorat v1.9: pro (If netcrew doesn't work).

2. Unzip downloaded file using Winzix (download here) to use this remote pc access software

3. Now, the unzipped file will contain Prorat.exe file. Run the file on your computer.

4. Now, we have to create a server to send it to remote computer for remote pc access. So, click on Create ->Create Prorat server.

5. Go to and register for an account.

Remote pc access software PRORAT

6. Now, in Pro connective notification, enter in IP(DNS) address, the link provided to you by no-ip and let all remaining fields remain unchecked.

7. Alongwith using Pro connective notification, you can even use your mail address to confirm about server installation.

8. You can even bind the server with a specific file to prevent victim knowing about the server installation on his computer.

9. To change server default icon, click on "Server icon" on left option pane and select any suitable icon according to binded file.

10. Now, when all things are done, hit on "Create server" and you will get server created in Prorat directory. This server is used for remote pc access.

11. This ends server creation part over here. Just refer Remote pc access tutorial for more information.... the best PRORAT tutorial i found.

You will require to have Winzix to get PRORAT - remote pc access software. Download Winzix here.

Now, when you have created PRORAT server, next step is to send this server to victim computer and then use PRORAT for remote pc access. You can use Crypter software and even Binder to avoid our server trojan from being detected by antivirus. I will explain in my next article about how to connect to remote PRORAT server on remote victim computer and then use this for remote pc access. If you have any problem in using this PRORAT for remote pc access, please mention it in comments section.

Enjoy remote pc access software...

Gaining money!

Hello everybody.
today i'll show u how to gain money through the internet
well i cant promise you'll make a million dollar through it but u can manage to pay your phone bills or maybe subscribe to some website with the money
so let's get started

First of all Sign up at


now all you gotta do is signing up with your email there and if u want to verify them use your bank account (in paypal you have to verify so u can checkout money to your bank account)

now go to

create accounts there
write your paypal or alertpay account (just the email no passwords requested)
now these websites works through an Advertisments clicking system so click more Ads and get more money

that's all you gotta do
press Ads daily and get money its pretty easy and works well

Have fun!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ardamax Keylogger


today ill be showing you how to use ardamax keylogger

Download it Here

1. Once you've downloaded and installed it, you'll see a little notepad icon in your taskbar.

2.Now right-hand click it and click 'Enter registration key...'.

3.Copy/Paste Registration name and Registration key from Serial.

4.Once done click 'Ok' and you should get a pop-up saying 'Registration code is accepted. Thank you for registration!'

II. Creating the Keylogger Engine:

1. Now your going to make the Keylogger Engine (The thing you give to your victim). Click 'Remote Installation...',

click 'Next'

3.If you want to bind Keylogger Engine with another application or file click the box that says 'Append keylogger engine to file or another applitacion' and browse file or applitacion that you want to bind it with.

4. Now click 'Additional components' and tick 'Installation Package Bilder' like done in the screenshot.

5.Now you should be at 'Invisibility', make sure all the boxes are ticked, then click 'Next'.

6. Now you should be at 'Security', click 'Enable' and put your password (it can be any password you like, make it something easy so you can remember). Once done, make sure all the boxes are ticked and click 'Next'.

7. Now you should be at 'Web Update', un-tick 'Check for updates' and Click 'Next'.

8. Ok, you should now be at 'Options', use setting like done in screenshots.

Btw you can make your keylogger to self distruct any time you like.

9. Ok, now you should be at 'Control', click the box that says 'Send logs every', now make it so it sends logs every 2 hours, then where it says 'Delivery', un-tick 'Email' and tick 'FTP', then where it says 'Include' un-tick 'Screenshots', now un-tick the box where it says 'Send only if log size exceeds'

10. Now you should be at 'FTP', create a free account at, then make sure your at 'Online Storage', then make a new folder called: Logs (this is where the logs are sent to when you keylogg someone), Now on your FTP on Ardamax Keylogger, where it says 'FTP Host:', put this:

Now where it says 'Remote Folder:', put this: Logs

Now where it says 'Username:' and 'password', put your DriveHQ username and password.

Now Click 'Test' and it should pop up something saying it succeeded

Once done, do NOT change your DriveHQ password or rename/delete the folder called 'Logs', if you do, the logs will not come through.

11. You should now be at 'Control', un-tick 'Enable Screenshots Capturing' then click 'Next'.

12. Now you can change name and icon your Keylogger Engine as you want it to look like.

and click 'Next'.

13. Now you should see a page where it shows u alot of info

just click 'Finish'.

14.After you click 'Finish' you should see that page

Click 'Ok'

15.Now your Keylogger engine is created.

Now post it on rapidshare and give the link to victims post it in youtube or some torrents

find some good crypter to make it undetected

Have fun.